Universe View
Future Societies
Matter , energy, gravity, space time, black hole, singularity, big bang etc.
No one of them has thinking, awareness, volition, deciding and acting
( TAVDA etc.) properties for being a DCDer, or Decider, Creator, Developer,
thereby Not only they have not been cause of even an act in the creation,
they are not at least aware of their own existence.
MEP'S (Creator’s )
Main Essence and Property's
Natural Scientific
"Guiding" Leadership not "Deciding" Leadership
The MFPP & S
The “ Matter Feeling Property”
Physics and Societies
Starting point
In the same way that,
the whole natural universe including human being
has been created, without any human help or any man made innovation
In the same way, can
The whole universe be studied “ natural scientific”
without any man made laws, values, mathematics, technologies, aims etc. thereby
So long studies are not without any human innovated intellectual and physical means
they are not creation aimed natural scientific studies,
( Like CERN particle accelerator, activities, or
bubble slit experiment in quantum mechanics etc.)
they are man made studies with
man made intellectual and physical innovations.
Practicabilityand Falsification
Practicability of the view Is existing and functioning but unaware universe which is created
without any man made means.
Falsification of the view is Proving that
without man made means, creation of the universe was not possible.