

                                What is essence or (WVLIMSFTAC etc. ) of

                                  every creature and all universe ?

This study presents here a very easy example in the case namely of a Glass 

( or anything else) presented as the  materialised thoughts of its creator or innovator with different aimed dimensions.


Materialisation of the WVLIMSFTA etc. as an Essence

W or Will, of the creator or producer of the glass,

V   - value of …......

L   -  Law,physical, biological etc. laws

I   -   Intellectual intellectual ( non physical view)…...

M -   Mathematical mathematical accounts for size, forms etc.

S  -   Structural of the creatures societygeneral design..

F  -   Function function in the related aim

T  -   Techniqueglass technique, other ex. are Electronic etc Communication etc.

A -    Aim of the creation of the glass which is for,drinking water, tea, coffee etc.

This non material Essence of the Glass is

a copy of the " thoughts" of the innovator of the glass.


               the process is as follows

               the physical part of the glass,

                      is the materialized form of the innovator's

                              WVLIMSFTAC etc. thoughts,

               because of,

                          having and using the properties, like,

                                 / being alive,

                                 / having, thinking property,

                                 / having innovation property,

                                 / having the decision making property

                                 / etc. etc.

             This essence of the innovated product is a copy of

             the thoughts in the brain of the  innovator.

In addition

                       the whole body of the innovator is,

                       the materialized form of the creation thoughts, and

                       the properties and essence of the human body are                   

                               a copy of the Creator's properties as

                            / the Main property and

                            / the Main essence of the Creation.

             But in the case of the glass,

                       The essence of the " glass " or other human made

                             innovations are man made.


              MEP or the Main Essence and Property of the universe

              is non physical thoughts.


                      / has constructed by (WVLMSFTA etc.) all natural creatures

                      / converted them to physical beings and

                     / given different functions to them.

