Universe View
Future Societies
I. DCDer or Decider, Creator, Developer
of the universe
Matter , energy, gravity, space time, black hole, singularity,
big bang etc.
with any intellectual and physical definitions,
No one of them has thinking, awareness, volition, deciding and
acting ( TAVDA etc.) properties for being a
DCDer, or Decider, Creator, Developer,
Not only they have not been cause of even an act in the creation,
even again they are not at least aware of their own existence.
MEP'S (Creator’s )
Main Essence and Property's
Natural Scientific
"Guiding" Leadership not "Deciding" Leadership
The “ Matter Feeling Property”
Physics and Societies
II. Starting point
In the same way that,
the whole natural universe including human being has
been created, without any human help or any
man made innovation
In the same way, can
The whole universe- be studied “ natural scientific”
without any man made laws, values, mathematics,
technologies, aims etc.
( here aim of two withouts is not
Without human engagement,It is rather,
Human interference, in
“ natural scientific function
of the natural beings by
/ man made ( WVLMSFTA etc.) will, value,law,mathmatics
structure, functio, technology, aim etc.)and
/ man made means among others like
-- Double - slit experiment, in quantum mechanics
-- CERN activities,
-- researches in hospitals with man made
intellectual and physical means.
Otherwise, Every human being should take part in
Searches and studies for her and his
generall natural scientific development.
It is the same
with human being and human societies
In the same way that
A. a child is not born as Moslem , christian,
jew etc. or
B. as any kind of power holder or leader
like, religiousleader, ideological leader,
democratic etc. leader and generally
C. child is born without
any man made ( WVLMSFTA et.)
In the same way
can children have a
natural scientific life
in natural scientific societies
with leadership of
natural scientific ( WVLMSFTA etc.)
So long
children's fostering, human societies and
human studies are not without any human innovated intellectual and physical means
- not only in social sciences,
even technology and natural sciences are wrong.
they are not creation aimed natural scientific studies,
( like religious and ideological people and societies
Like CERN particle accelerator, activities, or
bubble slit experiment in quantum mechanics or
studies in hospitals with man made means etc.)
Empirical realities made by man made intellectual and physical
A. are not natural scientific realities
B. these realties, because of not being natural scientific,
are false empirical realities and
C. degrees getting for these false studies like Professor,
are false degrees, thereby false professors.
But researchers who base their reseachs on this point,
that human being and all the natural creation is
created for a natural scientific ( WVLMSFTA et.)
leadership and life
/ in relation to own body
/ in relation to other people,
/ in relation to other natural beings.
and mention that
man made ( WVLMSFTA etc.)
are not Natural scientific.
their studies are natural scientific and
their degree can be "professor". again
without separating and mentioning this point ,
empirical reality
is not natural scientific and thereby degree will be false professor,
in sociel sciences, technology, natural sciences etc.
III. First point after starting point
Intellectual and physical Relativity of
every individual and the whole humanity together
In this relativity
not only everybody's thoughts and acts canbe wrong,
the whole humanity in differeny ways
think, act and live wrong like situation in 2020S
in which people are engaged with different intellectual, physical
deseases , environmental destroyings and again
because of thinking, acting and living wrong namely
/ not thinking natural scientific,
/ not acting natural scientific,
/ not living natural scientific.
IV. Nothing point – Something point in the creation
1. The Nothing point
( point before creation of the existing universe)
at the same time
2. The Something - point,
existence of,
not existed universe
is signe of,
something existed in
the" not existed universe time"
who has created
the now existing universe.
V. Big Bang
Big bang with any physical and intellectual definition :
Absolutely can’t think,
Absolutely can’t be aware
Absolutely can’t decide
Absolutely can’t see anything,
Absolutely can’t hear something, etc.
In other words,
The Universe is made by
“ Absolute ignorance “
“absolute unawareness “
“ Absolute blindness “,
“ Absolute deafness “, etc.
Namely the big bang.
VI. Three evaluation points
Living behind present man made societies and
Thinking, talking, looking, acting, living
Natural scientifically, without any man made intellectual
and physical WVLMSFTA etc. is unimaginable
This is undeniable that man made intellectual and physical
WVLMSFTA etc. are not natural scientific and result of this
un – natural scientificality - is all human intellectual, physical, social, environmental etc. diseases and problems.
The only way
Based on this undeniability , the only way is
the main natural scientific WVLMSFTA
and property way.
VII. Practicability - Falsification
of the view is
Existing and functioning universe
Which is created and functions
Without any human help and
Without any man made means
of the view
Falsifying the view by proving that
Without human intellectual and physical innovated means
The universe could not exists and function..